Series Overview
“Property Envy,” a Bravo TV series that debuted in 2013, offered a unique twist on the traditional real estate show format by blending the elements of a panel discussion with in-depth looks at some of the world’s most extraordinary and luxurious properties. Hosted by Stephen Collins, with panelists like Jeff Lewis, known from “Flipping Out,” real estate expert Brandie Malay, and interior designer Mary McDonald, the show provided a platform for these industry insiders to share their opinions, insights, and sometimes biting critiques of high-end real estate listings.
Each episode of Property Envy focused on a selection of properties that were remarkable not just for their price tags but also for their unique features, design elements, and the stories behind them. From modern architectural marvels and opulent historical estates to lavish beachfront villas and cutting-edge eco-friendly homes, the series took viewers on a global tour of real estate excellence and extravagance.
The panelists dissected each property in detail, discussing its design, aesthetics, functionality, and market value, offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of what makes a property truly exceptional. Their lively discussions were peppered with professional insights, personal preferences, and, occasionally, disagreements, which added a dynamic and entertaining layer to the show.
Production Company and Executive Producers
World of Wonder Productions produces the Property Envy series for Bravo TV. The series is produced by Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato, Robert Lifton, and Tom Campbell.
Property Envy Cast Overview
Following is a list of the primary cast members for the show.
- Stephen Collins – Host
- Brandie Malay
- Jeff Lewis (star of Flipping Out)
- Mary McDonald
List of Property Envy Episodes
The Property Envy series ran for one season with 12 episodes. Each episode was 20 to 22 minutes in length. All the Property Envy episodes from the first season are available to watch online.
Season 1
- Episode 1 – Design Marvels – Hosts Jeff Lewis, Stephen Collins, Mary McDonald, and Brandie Malay review luxury real estate and interior designs. In the first episode, the hosts review and comment on three luxury homes in Beverly Hills, Idaho, and Palm Desert.
- E2 – Holy Houses – The panel reviews three properties with a religious theme.
- E3 – Back to Nature – Ryan Serhant of MDLNY joins as a guest panelist. The group reviews three very unique properties in various markets.
- E4 – Best of Both Coasts – First, the team weighs in on an estate in Palm Beach. Next, they comment on a harbor house in Newport Beach, California. Then, they talk about a legendary home in the Hollywood Hills.
- E5 – Rock, Trees, and Big Game Hunting – First, the panel critique an artist colony in Big Sur, CA.
- E6 – Sin City – In the sixth episode, the real estate experts look at three houses in Las Vegas.
- E7 – From Connecticut to California – The hosts focus on unique properties nationwide.
- E8 – Rooms With a View – Josh Flagg from MDLLA guest stars for a look at high-dollar mansions in the hottest markets.
- E9 – Ridiculous Ranches –
- E10 – The Hamptons –
- E11 – Big in Texas –
- E12 – Architectural Wonders –
Critical Response, Ratings, and Awards
- The real estate series received 5.7 out of 10 stars on IMDB
- Amazon Video viewers give the show 2.5 out of 5 stars
Facts and Trivia
Following is a list of little-known facts and trivia about the show and its cast members.
- We’re still gathering facts and trivia about the series. If you have anything to share, please post below.
Questions and Comments
“Property Envy” stood out in the crowded landscape of real estate television by providing more than just a voyeuristic glimpse into luxury living; it educated its audience on various architectural styles, interior design trends, and real estate market nuances. While it celebrated the opulence and beauty of the featured properties, it also delved into the practicalities and challenges of high-end real estate, making it appealing to industry professionals and casual viewers with dreams of luxury living.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about the Property Envy series, please post a message below. For more information and to watch episodes, visit the Official Website of Also, see the show’s Wikipedia page.