“Project Runway” is a reality television series that challenges aspiring fashion designers to create innovative and stylish garments under tight deadlines and specific themes. Contestants compete in various design challenges, showcasing their creativity, technical skills, and ability to work under pressure. Each episode features a judging panel of fashion industry experts, including designers, editors, and celebrities, who critique the designs and ultimately decide the winner and eliminations. The show offers viewers a glimpse into the high-stakes world of fashion design, highlighting both the artistic process and the competitive nature of the industry.
Studio Information
The show had several different production and distribution companies. See the Wikipedia page for details.
Executive Producers
- Barbara Schneeweiss
- Bob Weinstein
- Colleen Sands
- David Hillman
- Desiree Gruber
- Gena McCarthy
- Heidi Klum
- Jane Cha
- Jon Murray
- Meryl Poster
- Sara Rea
Cast Overview
The cast for each show consists of contestants and a panel of judges. The contestants are aspiring fashion designers, one of whom goes home each week. The panel of judges consists of well-known fashion industry experts. In addition, there is usually at least one guest judge.
The contestants and judges change each season.
List of Episodes
The long-running show has been on for 18 seasons, with over 250 episodes and counting. There are too many episodes to list here. Check out the series’ Wikipedia page for more information on the individual episodes.
For the first seven seasons, each show ran for 40 to 42 minutes. Subsequently, the show episodes were increased to 60 minutes in length.
Facts and Trivia
Following is a list of little-known facts and trivia about the show and its cast members.
More Information
For more information, visit the Project Runway Official Website page on BravoTV.com.