An Overview of the Princesses Long Island Series on Bravo
“Princesses Long Island,” aired on Bravo from 2013 to 2014, is a reality TV series that delves into the lives of affluent, Jewish-American women from Long Island. The show highlights their luxurious lifestyles, close-knit friendships, and the social dynamics within their tight-knit community. Each cast member is depicted as living in a world of high society, extravagant parties, and family expectations.
The series follows these women as they navigate personal and professional challenges while maintaining glamorous lifestyles. Key themes include family pressure, relationship struggles, and the quest for self-identity amidst societal expectations. The cast consists of Casey Cohen, a public relations executive; Amanda Bertoncini, a fashion designer; and Chanel Omari, a radio personality.
“Princesses Long Island” showcases the unique blend of traditional values and modern aspirations that define the cast’s lives. The show provides a glimpse into the complexities of their social circles and personal dilemmas, often leading to dramatic and entertaining moments. It was part of Bravo’s broader programming focus on the lives of wealthy and influential individuals.
Production Company and Executive Producers
True Entertainment produces Princesses Long Island for Bravo TV. The executive producers are Glenda Hersh, Lauren Eskelin, Leonid Rolov, Noah Samton, and Steven Weinstock.
List of Princesses Long Island Cast Members
The following is a list of the show’s primary cast members.
- Amanda Bertoncini
- Ashlee White
- Casey Cohen
- Chanel “Coco” Omari
- Erica Gimbel
- Joey Lauren
List of Princesses Long Island Episodes
The series ran for one season with a total of ten episodes. Each episode was 40 to 43 minutes long. All of the episodes are available to stream online via Amazon Video.
Season 1
- Episode 1—You Had Me at Shalom—In the first episode of the series, Channel has dinner with her family. They remind her that it is time to start thinking seriously about marriage. Ashlee and Joey shop for a dress for Channel’s 30th birthday party. Amanda goes out with her ex, Jeff. Erica hosts a pool party, and the drama begins.
- Episode 2 – Shabbocalypse Now – Ashlee and Chanel go to NYC to meet Casey. Joey tries to make up with Amanda. Casey opens up about her past with Erica. Chanel has a Shabbat dinner and ruins it by blowing up.
- S1 E3 – Saved by the Boys –
- S1 E4 – Mr. Wrongs Don’t Make a Right –
- S1 E5 – Intermenschion
- S1 E6 – Coco Loco
- S1 E7 – Who Are You, the Pope?
- S1 E8 – Always a Bridesmaid
- S1 E9 – The Elephant in the Vineyard
- S1 E10 – Sunrise, Sunset
Critical Response and Awards
Following are some of the ratings the show received on various review sites:
- The series received a rating of 5.8 stars out of 10 on IMDB
- Amazon Video viewers give the series 3 out of 5 stars
Facts and Trivia
Following is a list of little-known facts and trivia about the show and its cast members.
- We’re still gathering facts and trivia about the series. If you have anything to share, please post below.
For more information, visit the show’s official website and Wikipedia page.
Questions & Comments
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about the Princesses Long Island series, please post a message below.