Series Overview
“Most Eligible Dallas” was a reality TV series aired on Bravo in 2011. Set in Dallas, Texas, the show followed a group of young, affluent individuals’ lives, friendships, and romantic pursuits as they navigated careers, relationships, and social scenes. The series showcased the upscale lifestyle of the cast, mixing elements of drama, romance, and humor. It provided viewers a glimpse into the city’s vibrant social scene, fashion, and upscale entertainment. Despite its initial buzz, the show only ran for one season, but it contributed to Bravo’s lineup of reality programming that explores the lives of the wealthy and glamorous.
Bravo canceled the show after only one season.
List of Cast Members
Following is a list of the Most Eligible Dallas series cast members.
- Courtney Kerr
- Drew Ginsburg
- Glenn Pakulak
- Matt Nordgren
- Neill Skylar
- Tara Harpe
List of Most Eligible Dallas Episodes
The Most Eligible Dallas series ran for one season with eight episodes. Each episode was 44 minutes long. All of the episodes are available to watch online at Amazon Video.
Season 1
- Episode 1 – Plenty of Fish in the Big D – Matt Nordgren is a former Texas Longhorn Quarterback who always has a blonde by his side. His newest girlfriend is Neill Skyler. Courtney Kerr is his best friend who disapproves of most women he dates. Tara Harper picks up rescue dogs from a local shelter. NFL punter Glenn Pakulak works as a fitness model. Drew Ginsburg is ready to meet his mate.
- E2 – Take the Bull by the Horns –
- E3 – When Pigs Fly –
- E4 – Make Love Not War –
- E5 – Getting to Know You –
- E6 – Friendly as Fire Ants –
- E7 – Everything’s Bigger in Texas –
- E8 – Pony Up –
Production Company and Executive Producers
Pink Sneakers Productions produces the Most Eligible Dallas series. The executive producers are John Ehrhard and Kimberly Belcher Cowin.
Critical Response, Ratings, and Awards
- The series was not nominated for any awards
- The series received a rating of 6 out of 10 stars on IMDB
- Amazon Video viewers give the series a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars
Facts and Trivia
Following is a list of little-known facts and trivia about the show and its cast members.
- Even though Bravo canceled the series, Courtney Kerr moved to a spin-off show, “Courtney Loves Dallas.”
Questions and Comments
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about the series, please post a message below. If you’d like more information about the show, visit the show’s official site on Bravo’s website or Wikipedia page.